Monday, January 23, 2012

Fight the Justice for Steven Truscott

Could you imagine spending 10 years of most exiting years of your life in prison? Well Steven Truscott did just do that. On 1959 he was convicted of the murder of Lin Haper, one of his classmates. She was found on June 11, 1959 with only her blouse on, she was raped and strangled to death in a wooded grove near a Clinton, Ont., and air force base. Steven was the last person seen with Lin. He was sentenced to be hanged for the murder, but was sentence to life in prison. He was released out of jail 10 years later. Being out is nice but there was stile the name of a murder over his, so he wanted to clear his name. He went on trail and received 6.5 million dollars for going to prison for a crime he didn’t commit.
Steven was sentence a death penalty from his “murder”. He sentence to life in prison instead, because he was a miner. Got out of jail 10 years later, for well behavior. Truscott was 24 of his release. During his time in prison a lady called Julian Sher write a book called “Until You Are Dead” that told the world that he was innocent and that he was just a 14 year old boy that has done no crimes, has had no dilemma with the police and had a good relationship with the school. Why should Steven be accused of a crime that he didn’t comment?
The feeling of walking down the street and everyone thinks that you are a murder. Being out of prison is may be good but for Steven it wasn’t. Steven's death penalty here. He had murder on his name, so every time he saw someone they would see a murder, which he didn’t comment.

To restive 6.5 million dollars of cash for a crime that he didn’t do, may seem a lot. The truth is that his early adulthood was spent in a jail cell. Being recognized as a murder for many years. Not going to collage or university. That is not worth 6.5 million dollars.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

P.E climbing blog!

I was trying the overhang
Here Mr. Whiting said I wasn't smiling enough, so I did!

During unit 6 of P.E (climbing), I had developed better skills and speed in climbing. In belaying I had gotten better at the technique of it. Also during the init I had more trust in my classmate when I was climbing and when I am getting lowered. My first climb was with Ashley and Petra, when I was belaying Petra she had little trust in me, but she managed and I didn’t drop her. On my 6 climb I did the speed climb in 11.22 seconds which I has proud of. The last climb that I did of unit 5 was the doing the overhang self belayed, which took a long time but I made it up and it was amusing. For the next time that I will climb I would like to do the over hang self belayed and blend folded. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Colonization poem of the Native Australians

The Native Australians lived in harmony but in just in a short time there lives were taken away!

We once lived in harmony with the land.
Then it was colonized.
White men trespassing into unknown territory.
Who said they could just barge in like that?
Bringing their ethnocentric minds along with them.
Trying to get rid of our race.
Stealing our land.
Stealing our resources.
Stealing our cultures.
Stealing our lives.
We tried to fight back.
But while we may won battles,
They won war.
Their morale only get stronger as they destroyed our hope.
We look forward to a day when
The sun will shine on our faces again.

Monday, November 28, 2011



The obesity rate for many children in many country’s is growing on an unbelievable pace. What can we do to help reduce child obesity? In this post I will be talking about child obesity. For many, obesity as been a life long problem but for others they have taken the chance of obesity through eating habits and lack of exercise. Fighting against child obesity if worth fighting against because if we don’t act now it will pass down in further generations.

According to facts of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) the child obesity rate has more then tripled in the past 30 years. 65 percent of the public is overweight. What can some of the reasons for all this be? Will to start with the entertainment industry is more and more developing which bring the Children to liking their product and watching movie and playing video games. Food Company focus there ad’s on kids only because it is easy to get their attention, all the ads are for junk foods and you will never see an ad for a health product. This is my first example of kid obesity.

Michelle Obama had started a health campaign to try decrease the obesity in America. Making a website to help parents and children understand how to make a better lifestyle, “let’s move”. On October 11th 2011 she made a world record of doing 1 minute of jumping jacks with hundreds of kids at the White house.  Michelle Obama has defiantly tried to make a difference of the decrease obesity in America.
Without fighting against Child obesity, the world would be seeing a less active tomorrow and smaller generation. Fighting against Child obesity is inspirational because the world would be less active, more unfit and world live shorter if didn’t stand against obesity.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why should we fight against Modern-Day Slavery and Human Trafficking?

Can you believe that in Malaysia today there is human trafficking and modern-day slavery? Recently, CNN has been looking into modern day slavery activates in Penang. Many people are outraged by this and feel that ending modern day slavery practices is worth fighting for! Do You! In this blog/article I will be talking about modern day slavery and human trafficking.

There was a story of a teenage girl “19” from Cambodia. She was sold from an agency that would get over to Malaysia for $500 a week. That sounded great to her because she could some many for her self and help her family since they were poor. The agency had also agreed to by for flight ticket to Malaysia. Then when she gets to Malaysia it turns out that she only gets $160 a week and then she has to pay for the plane ticket. Then she is kept in Malaysia 10+ years until she only just get back to her home in Cambodia.

How does it actually feel like to be a human trafficking and modern-day slavery?
For most of the modern-day slaves is that they are promised a good pay. They get sent for away from their homes, families or friends. The slaves are forced to work between 12-15 hours of hard labor a day. It takes many years until they the money to get back home or away from the factories. For many it may take long to get away because the agency is paying for the room and food. The biggest problem for the modern-day slaves is that they get their passports taken away from them, this mean that they will not get the chance to go away.

The likely hood for these modern-day slaves and human trafficking in Malaysia is very low for a chance of freedom. Now you can help support and think about the men, women, boys and girls that are being held through labor and human trafficking. This inspires me because believe it is not right to keep someone in for work for 12 hours everyday for every low pay. These life styles will ruin every modern-day salve for the rest of their lives.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Francois Pienaar

Francois Pienaar

Francois Pienaar is a former rugby captain and flanker for the South Africa Springbok National rugby team. Francois Pienaar was the captain of the springbok’s National team from 1993, 26 June until 1996, 10 august. He had won 29 test cups that led them to the victory of the 1995 world cup. It was his determination to make it to the world cup that lead him and his team to be the first team from Africa to be in the world cup. As a result it lead them a victory.

François Pienaar couldn’t of made it that far without the help of an important person called Nelson Mandela. Nelson knew from the start when he heard about Francois Pienaar that it would change South Africa and make South Africa more known to people.

François Pienaar known for his known judge meant of the difference of the black and white in South Africa. Being that type of person made him a row modle to the world. Where at the end of the world cup final when they won he said” The team had won the trophy not just for the 60,000 fans at Ellis Park, but also for all 43,000,000 South Africans.”


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

If u could make a new world, what would I change!!


"Most men's anger about religion is as if two men should quarrel for a lady that neither of them care for."  ~George Savile, Marquess de Halifax. 

If I were to make a new world, I would make sure that the main change that I would make would be that there is only one religion/ culture. Now the reason for that would because if you think of all the wars and conflicts that have gone threw the world today is for that there is fight over their religion/ culture. For example, lets take World War 2. It all started when one man named Adolf Hitler had a view for that people that were Jewish. Then he got many other people that had the same over view of the Jews. Then started the Nazi party that toke over the German government. Then start making rules that concerned Jews people. After that the start the Concentration Camps that killed many Jews because of there religion. The Nazis wanted to kill all the Jews. They made a World War 2. This starts a war of the Nazi and Jews. Sudan, Ireland and Jerusalem they are same of the countries that have gone their civil War as result of what there is religion. I believe that some of these points while led to a more peaceful world with less war and conflict. This would lead to a more understanding society. In the society there would be less judging on what people would be doing as a result of there Religion.


